Monday, March 23, 2020

46 Spanish Adjectives List to Describe Peoples Personality [Infographic]

46 Spanish Adjectives List to Describe Peoples Personality [Infographic] Suzy S. Spanish adjectives are crucial to learn and memorize if you want to be fluent in Spanish.  Spanish adjectives will help you describe places, things, and especially people! If youre learning  Spanish, you might already know a few basic nouns and verbs to carry on a conversation. Now is the perfect time to start learning some extra, descriptive words! There will be many times in conversation when youre looking for just the right word to describe a quality or trait, and our Spanish adjectives list is sure to come in handy for each of them. In this post, well share how to use 46 of the most common Spanish adjectives. (You’ll also be able to download a free worksheet to practice all the new vocabulary you’ve learned at the end!) How to Use Spanish Adjectives There are a few ways to form  sentences with Spanish adjectives. Here are some examples to get you started. Juan es muy mentiroso. Siempre dice cosas que no son verdad. Mis padres tienen un carácter fuerte, pero son muy amables. Tengo mucho sentido del humor y por eso soy gracioso. In most cases though, youll use the verb ser  in combination with an adjective. For example: Ella es simpática. Ellos son graciosos. Nosotros somos organizados. Learning how to conjugate the verb ser  will be a huge help when it comes to using adjectives properly. Now, are you ready to learn some new words? Here are 46 Spanish adjectives that will help you describe yourself, your friends, and your family. (Some of these words can also be used to describe places and things). The Ultimate Spanish Adjectives List Additional Practice with Spanish Adjectives Want even more practice? You can download a  free worksheet here  to review the vocabulary above and practice forming sentences. You can also check out these additional resources to help you learn more about Spanish vocabulary and grammar: 7 Easy Tricks for Memorizing Spanish Vocabulary Spanish Vocabulary: Feelings and Emotions in Spanish Intro to Spanish Verb Conjugation | Tips, Charts, More 75 Spanish Cognates to Know We hope you enjoyed this guest post by Sara from Spanish2Learn. Can you think of any more unique Spanish adjectives to add to this list? Let us know in the comments below! Need Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Antoine K

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